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Elementos marcados por la etiqueta "Toner":

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The toner with pH 5.5~6.5 close to skin reduces irritation, and 8 kinds of hyaluronic acid create a protective barrier to maintain skin elasticity and moisture. In addition, the toner contains Centella asiatica, witch hazel and chamomile extracts to effectively soothe the skin. Application: Apply...
Объем280 ml БрендFORTHESKIN
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The toner is instantly absorbed and leaves no traces of stickiness and greasy skin. Hydrolyzed collagen makes dry and rough skin supple and radiant. The toner also contains AHA, BHA, PHA, LHA acids that make the skin clear, help control sebum, gently remove dead skin cells and helps to shrink...
Объем280 ml БрендFORTHESKIN
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MEDI-PEEL Bor-Tox Peptide Toner, 180 млBor-Tox Peptide Toner intensively moisturizes, nourishes and eliminates dryness, helps to smooth wrinkles and improves elasticity. It has a toning effect, improves the complexion and returns a healthy glow. It restores the optimal acid-alkaline balance,...
Объем180 ml БрендMEDI-PEEL
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MEDI-PEEL Retinol Collagen Lifting Toner, 150 mlRetinol Collagen Lifting Toner makes the skin elastic and firm, smooths and tightens, shrinks enlarged pores and smooths micro-relief, improves texture. Moisturizes and softens, prevents dryness, refreshes upon application and absorbs perfectly. It...
Объем150 ml БрендMEDI-PEEL
Veido tonikas su pelyno ekstraktu valo odą, pasižymi raminamuoju ir antiseptiniu poveikiu, malšina sudirgimus, reguliuoja riebalinių liaukų veiklą.
Объем500 мл БрендFraijour
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1990  1790 
Lengvos tekstūros toneris, savo sudėtyje turintis 85% Anastatica Hierochuntica augalo, dar žinomo kaip Jericho rožė, ekstrakto. Šis ekstraktas prisotina ląsteles drėgme, lygina odos toną, neleidžia atsirasti su amžiumi susijusioms pigmentacijos ir spuogų žymėms, apsaugo ląsteles nuo laisvųjų radikalų ir lėtina su amžiumi susijusių pokyčių vystymąsi.
Объем250 мл БрендDr. Althea