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FarmStay Cica Farm Night Repair Sleeping Mask with Centella Asiatica - contains Centella Asiatica, which helps the skin to quickly repair itself during sleep. It soothes sensitive skin and reduces inflammation. The mask helps to replenish the moisture level in the skin, gives it a feeling of...
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Shampoo with ceramides gently cleanses hair from any impurities, does not cause irritation and itching, helps to smooth hair and prevents breakage. The product intensively moisturizes dry and brittle locks, makes them smooth and manageable, saturates them with useful components. Hair becomes...
Объем8 мл БрендMASIL
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Masil 5 Probiotics Perfect Volume Shampoo is a shampoo with 5 types of probiotics to add volume to hair. The shampoo completely eliminates silicone ingredients that remain on the scalp and can cause hair loss, and uses surfactants derived from natural plant ingredients to make the scalp and hair...
Объем8 мл БрендMASIL
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This high-concentrated bubble clear not only removes make-up but also the fine particles and various minor substances to give a glowing skin. Provides exceptional nourishment deep within the skin to keep it clean and hydrated. It deeply cleanses the skin while gently scrubbing off the dirt.
Объем150 ml БрендMEDI-PEEL
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The cream eliminates skin dehydration, increases its elasticity and firmness, smoothes wrinkles and has a lifting effect. The product has a gel base with cream capsules inside. When applied to the skin, the gel mixes with the melting cream capsule and acquires a homogeneous texture. The cream...
Объем50 мл БрендMEDI-PEEL
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MEDI-PEEL Bor-Tox Peptide Toner, 180 млBor-Tox Peptide Toner intensively moisturizes, nourishes and eliminates dryness, helps to smooth wrinkles and improves elasticity. It has a toning effect, improves the complexion and returns a healthy glow. It restores the optimal acid-alkaline balance,...
Объем180 ml БрендMEDI-PEEL
Veido tonikas su pelyno ekstraktu valo odą, pasižymi raminamuoju ir antiseptiniu poveikiu, malšina sudirgimus, reguliuoja riebalinių liaukų veiklą.
Объем500 мл БрендFraijour
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Fraijour Original Herb Wormwood valomosios putos su pelynu probleminei odai švelniai valo ir drėkina veido odą. Priemonė malšina paraudimą ir uždegimą, ramina sudirgusias odos vietas.
Объем150 ml БрендFraijour
Intensyviai drėkinantis kremas, kuris normalizuoja natūralią mikroflorą odos paviršiuje, atkuria epidermio vientisumą, ramina ir minkština odą, gerina jos tonusą, šalina nuovargio požymius.
Объем10 ml БрендFraijour
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629  399 
Prekės galiojimo laikas - 2024.07 Plaukų kondicionierius su puikiu maitinamos imbiero, medaus ir kitų veikliųjų medžiagų formulės deriniu intensyviai drėkina, maitina ir minkština plauką. Imbiero ekstraktas suteikia plaukams blizgesio, daro paklusnius ir lengviau šukuojamus. Sudėtyje esantis...
Объем100 мл БрендEsthetic House